Junior Wings
April Kay Mayor
April 23 1982 - February 1 1998

April was a beautiful, loving, sweet 15 year old. She went home to the Lord after a life long struggle with heart problems. She was my miracle baby, and grew into such a wonderful young lady. "Wind Beneath My Wings", April recorded this song on a tape as a gift to me, but didn't fully know how much she really was "My Hero" instead. Her courage and bravery were way beyond her years. Through her I learned what unconditional love really means.
April put many hours into raising money to help build a new "Doernbecher Children's Hospital". She knew what it was like to be a kid in the hospital and would make hundreds of Hero Badges for the little ones. This Hero Badge is from April's collection. The Nurse's give them to kids when they have to do the unpleasant stuff that hurts or is scary. April said she could imagine the smiles as she worked on making each one just right. She visited local High Schools during "Kids Making Miracles" campaigns telling about her time at Doernbecher Childrens Hospital. I was amazed at how much courage she had speaking in front of 2000+ high school students once when she was in 7th grade. April could not run in the Tourch Relays with the "Kids Making Miracles", so did what she could do to make others aware, and support these events. She was also always ready to help "Credit Unions for Kids" with making cookbooks, working at golf tournaments and various fundraising activities.
April loved many of the same activities as most teenagers and enjoyed most of her life in fairly good health. She belongs to the Class of 2000 and was an honor student. I am so proud of April for all the hard work it took to keep her grades up. I was so blessed that we had a close and loving relationship, even as she became a "teenager". We told each other "I Love You More" which would always start the banter back and forth of how much or why. I Thank God for every moment I did have April in my life and miss her beyond belief now.