Junior Wings

Clayton Stanton McDonald went home to be with the Lord March 16, 2009 at 8:33 am just 40 days shy of his 19th birthday. He impacted more people in his short time on earth than many do in 75 or more years. He loved people and spent his days investing in people’s lives, always thinking of others before himself. Everyone who came in contact with him always considered him a close friend even if they only knew him for a brief period. Clayton was diagnosed with leukemia at 7 and under went 2.5 years of chemotherapy, had two plus years of good health and then relapsed in 2003 and underwent a bone marrow transplant. He again experienced a 2+ year period of health and fell out of remission September 2006 and then underwent a second bone marrow transplant in January 2007, and was able to enjoy his senior year in high school with his classmates, even participation on the diving team and qualifying for the CIF championships. After a productive summer working with junior high youth ministry at Atascadero Bible Church and participation in a mission trip to Costa Rica, he began to feel anemic. A trip to Stanford in October 2008 indicated that the leukemia had returned for a fourth time. At this point it was clear that a cure was not possible. Clayton chose to forgo treatment and live out his final days without chemotherapy. He then took the opportunity to tell his story to all who would listen, speaking at Atascadero Bible Church, Cornerstone Church of Simi Valley and multiple schools and youth groups throughout the county. Finally on Wednesday March 11, 200 he spoke to over 900 of his peers at Call Poly. Clayton is survived by his mom and dad Wendy and Stan McDonald and his brother and sister Zack and Samantha, his grandparents and two great grandmothers and extended family.
Impacted by Clayton's story:
I came across Clayton's story on God Tube. I never expected to hear what I heard and see what I saw and mostly feel what I felt. I have spent my life living for God and have felt so alone, because once the word Christian comes out be prepared for judgement and it can have you feeling like your the only one feeling that and just praying that God will speak to you and say You are not Alone and God sure did that through Clayton. I am telling you take the time to listen to Clayton's story because if you have time to watch one tv show, read a book, play a video game or whatever it is you do then you have time. I am a nanny of 4 children and run this Outreach that does not only exisit on the web. Clayton's Will in life from God was to speak of his short life in the hopes it will draw you closer to Him so please take the time and open your heart and mind to the blessing God gave Clayton.