Junior Wings

My name is Randy Armstrong. I was born December 5, 1986. I have cerebral palsy, with spastic quadriplegia, and with seizure disorder. I am fed by G tube. Also I take medication for my seizures but I still have 6 to 8 seizures per year. I have metal rods in my back for scoliosis, and I have pain medication for the pain and stiffness in my legs and hips from various surgeries. At present I live in a foster home. I have been there for 13 years. I have had many foster sisters and brothers. Right now I live with 5 girls, and 1 boy. I love them all very much. And they all give me special attention. Most of the them help with some of my basic care. But mostly they play with me and talk to me. They all go on the computer, and I really wish I could have a computer adapted for me, because at my old school I learned lots of different things to do, make card, write letter, draw pictures. But I don't get to do that now. But we play wheel of fortune on the computer. That is my favorite game. I already have a head switch, all I would need is our computer modified for me.. This way I could do lots of things. One of my most favorite thing to do is go camping with my family. We keep our trailer in Parkhill, and we get to go almost every week-end. We go for walks, shop, fish, swim, and my mom and dad bought me a special hammock just for me. I rest under the tree, listen to the birds, and all the different noises of nature. Also I like
to have my naps on the hammock,, especially when someone rocks me. I also go to Woodeden camp in London for special children like me. I have lots of fun there, and because I have been going since I was a little boy, I have made lots of friends there and special counselors. One of the most special and treasures person in my life is my support worker named Lou-Ann Gaines. I have had her in my life for 8 years, and I love her very much. She takes me out, and sometimes my special friends come also. We go on picnics, shopping, dances, parties, bowling, or sometimes we just go to her house and watch movies or do crafts. We always have lots of fun. Right now I get to see her 15 hours a week. I love and look forward to very much. Although because of my C/P I have many limitations, it has nonetheless not stopped me from having
a very happy good quality life, my goal is to stay with my family and keep my support worker, go to school, camp, and stay as happy and healthy as I am now. Randy Armstrong
The Day Randy went to Heaven:
He went to school happy and healthy. After school he went out with his special friends, and Luanne, Luanne said he had the giggles most of
the night, he can only say about 10 words, but he laughs alot. She told me it was strange how he was so happy. At 8 pm, I put him in bed. Again, being silly and laughing, we put the movie 'The Lion King ' on for him, just to tease him, he hates that movie, but on this night, he kept on giggling, made the whole house giggle, it was so funny, then at about 10:45 pm I was reading in my room, and Randy was trying to sing, lol. Lousy singer, I kept teasing him, 'Randy go to sleep you cant sing he would laugh hystericly. Then I went in his room, and I turned off his tv, and we laughed and laughed at his singing attempt, then I said, now randy go to sleep, mamma gets up early, he laughed, then said, 'bbbuuutt, buuut I wuv you', I wuv you. And I said I love you too, now go to sleep. About 5 min later my daughter came in my room and said randy was breathing funny, I ran in there, and he was in a massive seizure, and he was already blue. I called 911, I tried to give him mouth to mouth, but no air would go in. They rushed him to the hospital, by the time I got there, he was already intubated, they had to paralyze him, and put him in a coma to stop the seizure. His seizure lasted 1 and half hours. They told me there would be extensive brain damage. They put him in ICU the doctors said there was no hope, the machines was keepng him alive, I did not want to do anything for 2 days I asked God for a big favor and save Randy, but He said no. On April 13, we disconected life support and he died 20 min later in my arms. And into the arms of God.
Sheryl Lumsden