Junior Wings

Rejoicing On Holy Ground
For every violin played, I hear your song
For every sunset, I see your dreams
For every rose, I see our friendship
You are a friend of love and loyalty
You are a friend who won't leave me
standing alone
Tell me, how can I be so blessed,
tell me how can I be so loved
By a friend, whom loves Jesus Christ
Although your heart of flesh was weak
Your spiritual heart is stronger than the sea
Although you lived a shortened life
You lived longer than others,
through your works
Rejoice Jinnette on the lands of Heaven
Rejoice Jinnette and keep on dancing,
keep singing
Rejoice no weakness to bare, rejoice,
your life I will share
You are a daughter, sister, niece
and grand-daughter
A friend of many who has recieved your love
You have been chosen from God
to be his servant
I can hear God say to you, my child, well done
Thank-you for being a friend, a special friend
Thank-you for choosing Jesus Christ
It's time to say farewell until we meet again
Until then, rejoice, rejoice Jinnette,
you are now home in Heaven
Everytime I see a servant of God, I see you
Everytime I am in need of prayer,
I miss your love
Everytime I look to Heaven, I know your there
You are dancing with the chldren,
singing with the angels,
skipping on Holy ground
Singing your songs,
dancing your dances,
living eternal life
On Holy ground, on Holy ground
Rejoicing on Holy ground 2x
Rejoicing on Holy ground
Lyrics and Music written by:
Tanja Theriault
In Memory of my spiritual friend:
Jinnette Ellwood
Natures Grace Music Ministry
All Rights Reserved