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Junior Wings
Jinnette Ellwood

Loyal Lamb Outreach is created in memory of Jinnette Ellwood. Jinnette's time on earth was surely devoted to God and what He needed from her. Jinnette knew that her life on earth may not be long as she waited for a heart transplant. Jinnette had a pacemaker put into her heart as a young teenager, it gave her more time. Jinnette's faith and strength is an inspiration to many others. Jinnette wanted to help others so she volunteered at her school to help many students who needed someone to talk to. Jinnette volunteered at her church as well working with the children. She had a talent in writing poetry. As a poet myself I feel Jinnette wrote what was deep within her and she expressed it through poetry. During the numerous visits to hospitals for tests and for surgery, she used that time to talk with others to draw them close to Christ. Jinnette's physical heart gave up on April 27th, 2001. Her spiritual heart lives on in everyone she blessed and to you who reads a fragment of her story. We are all lambs of the Holy one. Jinnette is a loyal lamb to Christ and it's why I chose that name for the Outreach. Let Jinnette's life be a inspiration to fight the physical and emotional pain for Christ. I was in youth group with her and I wish I could have known her more personally however she has greatly inspired me because of her faith and compassion. You do not have to know someone personally to fee touched by their soul. Until I see Jinnette in Heaven and be able to thank her for saving me when I wanted to die I will continue to run this Outreach.
We dedicated Jinnette to the Lord before she was born. Jinnette was born May 6, 1979 at 11:09pm weighing at 7lbs. 2oz, screaming and hollering and she continued that for the next 2 years. She was telling us that she was going to make an impact in this world. She had a heart murmur at birth and at the age of 2, the doctor was concerned that she had not outgrown it yet, so he sent us to London. We found out she had a heart disease called Hyperthrophic Cardiomyopathy so we had yearly trips to London, and sometimes to Toronto, which allowed us to spend a lot of extra quality time with her. We always limited her activities, and her first critical incident was when she was 9 years old at Sea World. She was having symptoms of a heart attack and fainted in my arms. I could only say, O God, O God, not now! He heard my cry and she came out of it right away. The doctor said that doesn't happen, so I told him that's because I cried out to the Lord! So now, it's time to change medications again. Through her life it was a constant adjustment of medication levels and types, all to buy more time. But really it was not in the doctor's hands. Through her life she endured many painful tests and medications that even adults would have a difficult time with, and all without complaining. The doctors and nurses were always amazed at her pain tolerance. She was a good patient. The nurses loved having her on their floor. She brought such a joy and brightness wherever she went. This is one of the stories that my dad has recalled. What we remember the most about Jinnette our beloved granddaughter: Jinnette had been hospitalized at Hotel Dieu Hospital for a week for observations with a new drug that the doctors wanted to try on her. As we arrived on her floor we met a nurse that we knew who was taking care of her, so we asked her how Jinnette was doing. Her answer was very positive. She told us that Jinnette was a blessing to everyone on that floor. The nurse told us that Jinnette would go from room to room and talk to all the patients. After a few questions, she would ask them: "Do you know Jesus". All the patients were amazed about a little girl of 5 or 6 yrs. old with those kinds of questions. We found her in her room talking with her roommate who was a lady of about 50 years old. After a few minutes Jinnette left the room and this lady told us that she was her "Guardian Angel". She had had a heart attack and Jinnette told her that Jesus would heal her. She was very amazed and moved by her. Then we went to the waiting room where we saw a very unhappy looking man sitting there. Jinnette approached him and started talking to him but she was ignored. Then she asked him if he knew Jesus. There still was no response. So she said: "If you don't know Jesus you will not get into heaven. She then left him and joined us. We could not help notice this man's eyes watching her every move. He knew Jinnette had had an effect on him. She had always had a wonderful relationship with Jesus even at an early age. We know that Jinnette is with Jesus today, her Lord and Savior.
At ten years old she was playing in the back yard, and the neighbor's husky attacked a cottontail rabbit. She screamed at the dog and jumped over the fence and chased the dog off with a stick. Then she picked up the rabbit and cuddled it and brought it to dad. She told dad to fix it. So he told her that it was too badly hurt to be fixed, but she kept insisting that he fix it. But within minutes the rabbit died in her hands. She was heartbroken; Jen and her cared enough to bury it in the garden. They planted a Popsicle stick cross with a name on it and some dandelion flowers and prayed. She did this for many animals and birds. She named them all. We had a row of Popsicle stick monuments. She truly cared about life. He persistence with daddy fixing things became more and more into having faith in God, and believing that God would fix things. You would see her care, concern and faith growing in prayer for every little thing around her that struggled and suffered. Because of her disease life seemed to surround her with adversities. She was very young to have to have to deal with physical restrictions, medication, side effects, discouragement, depression and self-pity. But as she grew in her faith, she learned to overcome these obstacles, with a quiet acceptance that was her lot in life. School was a very big obstacle for her because of her conditions, causing physical and mental fatigue. She could have bronchial pneumonia 3 X in one winter season. She was unable to concentrate at many times. (Trust me, when she got her beginners, her concentration was definitely not there. Hit the brakes Jinnette!) When she got transferred to Western, it was a slower pace that she was able to cope with. She loved it, loved her teachers, and her teachers loved her. Her report card always had positive comments about her character. A joy to have in my class, most co-operative student, encourages others. This is where Jinnette flourished in her ministry. Just before going to Western, we all had a warning of what was to come. Jinnette's heart failed on her 17th birthday. We almost lost her then, she received a pacemaker at that time, and she would share with us of her courage and strength in knowing that if this happened again, she wouldn't be afraid of going home to be with Jesus. She also shared with us that she knew God was giving her a 2nd chance, to fulfill her ministry. We never realized the extent of the lives she touched at her school, and around her. God uses Jinnette to reach the unlovely, discouraged, depressed, and even suicidal. Jinnette would always ask us to pray for these kids without giving us many of the details. We are only now hearing some of the details and depths of where the kids were at, because Jinnette's priority was always confidentiality. Jinnette also met a wonderful young man at Western, Kyle, and has given us the opportunity to get to know and love him. He will always be special to us for having loved her. For 4 yrs. she worked with little children at Parkwood. In Sunday school, BG's and in the nursery, and she loved every minute of it. When the twins came along at home we were amazed at the patience and love she displayed for them, no matter how tired or physically stressed she might be. And she never complained. She just gave and gave and gave. We are all so thankful to God that He brought the twins into our lives when He did. It blessed her and allowed her to have purpose for her life, and gave her the opportunity to express God's love. Through her trial and tribulations Jinnette displayed to us how to live one day at a time, at peace and without worry. She was stronger in the Lord than what we ever knew. Her source of strength and hope was Christ alone. During our last weeks with her, she spent special time with each of us. It was as if she knew she was going home to Jesus. We were so bonded and connected that we saw not only a beautiful girl, but also a beautiful spirit. We have lost a physical gift from God, but we have the gift of her memory and spirit in our hearts.
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